Bestsellers in Chlorine

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Bromine, Chlorine, Cyanuric Acid, Iodide, Iron, and pH Portable Photometer - HI96101

1,159.00 AED
The HI96101 is no longer available.Below is the link to a new meter that has been upgraded with many advanced features including an improved optical system, dot matrix LCD that offers a graphical tutorial mode to help the user through the measurement process and is waterproof including the cuvette assembly.Both meters use the same reagents.
1,159.00 AED

Free Chlorine CAL Check™ Standards - HI97701-11

618.00 AED
The HI97701-11 Free Chlorine Cal Check standards provides a simple solution to calibrating and validating the compatible free chlorine portable photometers that have a 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (ppm) range. This high quality set of standards is manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility and comes supplied with a Certificate of Analysis. The Certificate of Analysis provides the lot number, reference values and expiration date for traceability when certifying the appropriate free chlorine photometer.
  • Pre-dosed reagents for ease of use
  • Supplied with certificate of quality
  • Marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability
618.00 AED
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Free Chlorine Ultra Low-Range Checker® HC - HI762

205.00 AED
The Hanna Free Chlorine Ultra Low-Range Checker® bridges the gap between simple chemical test kits and professional instrumentation. Chemical test kits have limited accuracy and resolution since they rely upon the human eye to discern differences in color. Professional instrumentation incorporates a light source such as an LED or tungsten lamp with a filter and a light sensing detector to precisely determine ion concentration. Professional instrumentation offers greater resolution and accuracy but can cost hundreds of dollars. The Hanna Free Chlorine Ultra Low-Range Checker® uses a fixed wavelength LED and silicon photo detector to provide the accuracy of professional instrumentation at the affordable price of a chemical test kit.Compact, Portable DesignBuilt-in TimerOne Button Operation
205.00 AED

Water Conditioning Photometer - HI83308 (230V)

2,358.00 AED
HI83308 is a compact, multiparameter photometer for use in water conditioning applications. The meter is one of the most advanced photometers available with a innovative optical design that utilizes a reference detector and focusing lens to eliminate errors from changes in the light source and from imperfections in the glass cuvette. This meter has 23 different programmed methods measuring 15 key water quality parameters and also offers an absorbance measurement mode for performance verification and for users that would like to develop their own concentration versus absorbance curves. Water conditioning parameters include fluoride, chlorine, ammonia, manganese, copper, iron, silver and zinc.To save valuable laboratory benchtop space, the HI83308 doubles as a professional pH meter with its digital pH/temperature electrode input. Now one meter can be used for both photometric and pH measurements.Advanced optical systemUnparalleled performance from a benchtop photometerDigital pH electrode inputSave valuable bench space with one meter that works both as a photometer and as a laboratory pH meterAbsorbance measuring mode
2,358.00 AED
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Free Chlorine (Low and Medium Range) Test Kit Replacement Reagents (200 tests)

The HI38018-200 are replacement reagents for the colorimetric determination of free chlorine with the HI38018 Free Chlorine Low and Medium Range Test Kit. There are enough reagents for approximately 200 tests to be used with Hanna’s test kit. These high quality reagents are manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility and are clearly marked with the lot number and expiration date on each packet for traceability.
  • Pre-made reagents for ease of use
  • Prepared with high purity chemicals
  • Marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability
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Swimming Pool Chemical Test Kit - HI3887

206.00 AED
The HI3887 is a quick check swimming pool test kit that measures free chlorine and pH. Free chlorine is measured using the DPD method; pH is measured using a visual pH indicator. This kit is equipped with all the necessary reagents and equipment to perform approximately 50 tests for free chlorine and 100 tests for pH.
  • Pre-made reagents for ease of use
  • All reagents marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability
  • Color comparison cubes for simple determination
206.00 AED
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Bromine, Chlorine, Cyanuric Acid, Iodine, Iron, and pH Portable Photometer with CAL Check – HI97101

HI97101 is an advanced portable photometer for the measurement of bromine, chlorine, cyanuric acid, iodine, iron, and pH in water. This meter offers a superior optical system that utilizes a reference detector and narrow band interference filters for extremely fast and repeatable measurements.
  • No warm up time before taking a measurement
  • Tutorial mode for step-by-step instructions
  • CAL Check to verify meter performance

Showing 1–12 of 17 results

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iris Visible Spectrophotometer - HI801 (230V)

The HI801 iris is a sleek and intuitive spectrophotometer that allows for measurement of all wavelengths of visible light.Customize your methods, take a wide range of measurements, and feel confident in your testing accuracy with iris.
  • iris features precise wavelength selection between 340 nm to 900 nm for complete method compliance and accuracy that is necessary in industries like professional laboratories, water treatment facilities, wineries, and more.
  • Results are consistent and accurate regardless of throughput with the high quality and uniquely designed optics system.
  • Customization options include multiple cuvette shapes and sizes, custom calibration curves, and methods.

Multiparameter Benchtop Photometer and pH meter - HI83300 (230V)

4,268.00 AED
HI83300 is a compact, multiparameter photometer for use in the lab or in the field. The meter is one of the most advanced photometers available with a innovative optical design that utilizes a reference detector and focusing lens to eliminate errors from changes in the light source and from imperfections in the glass cuvette. This meter has 60 different programmed methods measuring 37 key water quality parameters and also offers an absorbance measurement mode for performance verification and for users that would like to develop their own concentration versus absorbance curves.To save valuable laboratory benchtop space, the HI83300 doubles as a professional pH meter with its digital pH/temperature electrode input. Now one meter can be used for both photometric and pH measurements.Advanced optical systemUnparalleled performance from a benchtop photometerDigital pH electrode inputSave valuable bench space with one meter that works both as a photometer and as a laboratory pH meterAbsorbance measuring modeAllows performance verification using CAL Check standards
4,268.00 AED

Water Conditioning Photometer - HI83308 (230V)

2,358.00 AED
HI83308 is a compact, multiparameter photometer for use in water conditioning applications. The meter is one of the most advanced photometers available with a innovative optical design that utilizes a reference detector and focusing lens to eliminate errors from changes in the light source and from imperfections in the glass cuvette. This meter has 23 different programmed methods measuring 15 key water quality parameters and also offers an absorbance measurement mode for performance verification and for users that would like to develop their own concentration versus absorbance curves. Water conditioning parameters include fluoride, chlorine, ammonia, manganese, copper, iron, silver and zinc.To save valuable laboratory benchtop space, the HI83308 doubles as a professional pH meter with its digital pH/temperature electrode input. Now one meter can be used for both photometric and pH measurements.Advanced optical systemUnparalleled performance from a benchtop photometerDigital pH electrode inputSave valuable bench space with one meter that works both as a photometer and as a laboratory pH meterAbsorbance measuring mode
2,358.00 AED

Wastewater Multiparameter (with COD) Benchtop Photometer and pH meter - HI83314 (230V)

4,584.00 AED
HI83314 is a compact, multiparameter photometer for measuring key water and wastewater quality parameters. The meter is one of the most advanced photometers available with an innovative optical design that utilizes a reference detector and focusing lens to eliminate errors from changes in the light source and from imperfections in the glass cuvette. 10 key water and wastewater quality parameters with 20 different methods covering multiple ranges are programmed into the meter. Wastewater treatment digestion parameters include COD, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous which are important for monitoring nutrient removal. The HI83314 also offers an absorbance measurement mode for performance verification and for users that would like to develop their own concentration versus absorbance curves.To save valuable laboratory benchtop space, the HI83314 doubles as a professional pH meter with its digital pH/temperature electrode input. Now one meter can be used for both photometric and pH measurements.Advanced optical systemUnparalleled performance from a benchtop photometerDigital pH electrode inputSave valuable bench space with one meter that works both as a photometer and as a laboratory pH meterWastewater Treatment Digestion ParametersMeasures common wastewater parameters including COD, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus
4,584.00 AED

Water & Wastewater Multiparameter (with COD) Photometer and pH meter - HI83399 (230V)

5,243.00 AED
HI83399 is a compact, multiparameter photometer for measuring key water and wastewater quality parameters. The meter is one of the most advanced photometers available with a innovative optical design that utilizes a reference detector and focusing lens to eliminate errors from changes in the light source and from imperfections in the glass cuvette. 40 key water and wastewater quality parameters with 73 different methods covering multiple ranges are programmed into the meter. Wastewater treatment digestion parameters include COD, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous which are important for monitoring nutrient removal. The HI83399 also offers an absorbance measurement mode for performance verification and for users that would like to develop their own concentration versus absorbance curves.To save valuable laboratory benchtop space, the HI83399 doubles as a professional pH meter with its digital pH/temperature electrode input. Now one meter can be used for both photometric and pH measurements.Advanced optical systemUnparalleled performance from a benchtop photometerDigital pH electrode inputSave valuable bench space with one meter that works both as a photometer and as a laboratory pH meterWater and Wastewater Treatment Digestion ParametersAllows measurement of COD, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus
5,243.00 AED

Total Chlorine Reagents (100 tests) - HI93711-01

101.00 AED
The HI93711-01 are reagents for the colorimetric determination of total chlorine. There are enough reagents for 100 tests and are for use with Hanna’s compatible benchtop and portable photometers. These high quality reagents are manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility and are clearly marked with the lot number and expiration date on each packet for traceability.
  • Pre-made reagents for ease of use
  • Prepared with high-purity chemicals
  • Marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability
101.00 AED

Free and Total Chlorine High Range Reagents (100 tests) - HI93734-01

97.00 AED
The HI93734-01 are reagents for the colorimetric determination of high range free and total chlorine. There are enough reagents for 100 tests to be used with Hanna’s compatible HI96734 portable photometer. These high quality reagents are manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility and are clearly marked with the lot number and expiration date on each packet and bottle for traceability.
  • Pre-dosed reagents for ease of use
  • Supplied with certificate of quality
  • Marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability
97.00 AED

Free Chlorine CAL Check™ Standards - HI97701-11

618.00 AED
The HI97701-11 Free Chlorine Cal Check standards provides a simple solution to calibrating and validating the compatible free chlorine portable photometers that have a 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (ppm) range. This high quality set of standards is manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility and comes supplied with a Certificate of Analysis. The Certificate of Analysis provides the lot number, reference values and expiration date for traceability when certifying the appropriate free chlorine photometer.
  • Pre-dosed reagents for ease of use
  • Supplied with certificate of quality
  • Marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability
618.00 AED

Total Chlorine Checker® HC - HI711

205.00 AED
The Hanna Total Chlorine Checker® bridges the gap between simple chemical test kits and professional instrumentation. Chemical test kits have limited accuracy and resolution since they rely upon the human eye to discern differences in color. Professional instrumentation incorporates a light source such as an LED or tungsten lamp with a filter and a light sensing detector to precisely determine ion concentration. Professional instrumentation offers greater resolution and accuracy but can cost hundreds of dollars. The Hanna Total Chlorine Checker® uses a fixed wavelength LED and silicon photo detector to provide the accuracy of professional instrumentation at the affordable price of a chemical test kit.
  • Compact, Portable Design
  • Built-in Timer
  • One-Button Operation
205.00 AED

Free Chlorine Checker HC® Calibration Check Set - HI701-11

59.00 AED
The Free Chlorine Checker HC® Calibration Check Set - HI701-11 provides a simple solution to validating the Free Chlorine Checker® HC - HI701 in the range of 0.00 to 2.50 ppm (mg/L). This high-quality set of standards is manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility and comes supplied with a Certificate of Analysis. The Certificate of Analysis provides the lot number, reference values and expiration date to provide traceability when certifying the Checker® HC.
  • Supplied with Certificate of Analysis
  • Standard value of 1.00 ±0.05 ppm free chlorine @ 25℃
  • Reusable with long shelf life stability
59.00 AED

Free and Total Chlorine Test Kit (Low and Medium Range) - HI38017

321.00 AED
The HI38017 is a chemical test kit that uses N, N Diethyl-1, 4 Phenylenediamine Sulfate (DPD) to measure free and total chlorine in the low and medium range. The HI38017 is supplied complete with all of the reagents and equipment necessary to perform 200 tests.
  • Pre-made reagents for ease of use
  • All reagents marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability
  • Checker® disc for more accurate determination
321.00 AED

Universal Process Controller - HI510-0320 - controller with 3 relays and 2 analog outputs

3,087.00 AED
HI510 is designed to adapt to a user’s unique process control requirements. The controller has a large backlit dot matrix display for easy viewing and provides for an intuitive interface for setup options. The controller utilizes multi-color LEDs for easy viewing of the instruments’ status including relay activation, in alarm mode, or in hold status. All programming operations are done through the low profile vulcanized rubber keypad or using the RS485 connection to a PC operating the HI92500 Windows® compatible software.
  • Digital input for pH and ORP probes
  • Up to 5 relays for control and cleaning sequence
  • Up to 4 analog output for control and monitoring
3,087.00 AED
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